As a major research university in the heart of one of the world's greatest cities, the University of Illinois Chicago (UIC) is truly a global institution. As such, UIC has taken a lead role in convening scholars, public intellectuals, policymakers and elected officials to discuss, analyze and propose pragmatic and innovative solutions that will enhance the lives of city-dwellers around the globe.
The UIC Forum has evolved over the years. Its roots date back to 1995, when the first Forum was convened under the direction of UIC's Great Cities Institute. In 2005, and for the following five years, UIC partnered with the City of Chicago and the Daley Family to host what was then called the UIC Richard J. Daley Urban Forum. Now, under the direction of the UIC College of Urban Planning and Public Affairs (CUPPA), the UIC Urban Forum will continue the tradition of hosting a national event designed to advance the dialogue about the future of urban communities.
Past Events-Photos and Videos Heading link
Can Data Deliver? Harnessing Data-Driven Solutions for Urban Challenges
2019 Photos
Are we there yet? The myths and realities of autonomous vehicles
2018 Urban Forum
The People’s Money: Pensions, Debt and Government Services
The Public Infrastructure of Work and Play
The Public Infrastructure of Work and Play
2015 Urban Forum
Remaking the Urban Social Contract: Health, Energy and the Environment
2013 Urban Forum
Creating Informed Communities: Accessible Technologies to help enhance the quality of life
2012 Urban Forum
Metropolitan Resilience in a Time of Economic Turmoil
2010 Urban Forum
New Partnerships for a New Economy: Driving Innovation in Cities
2008 Urban Forum
Five Billion Urban Dwellers: The Creative Opportunity in the Growth of Cities